Welcome to the Royal College of Chiropractors

The RCC is a registered charity promoting quality, safety and professionalism in chiropractic. We are an apolitical professional membership body that promotes and supports high standards of education, practice and research, enabling chiropractors to provide, and to be recognised for providing, high quality care for patients. You can learn about the RCC on our about page.

Graham Heale Award – Call for nominations for the outstanding PRT candidate


Deadline for nominations: Thursday 12th December 2024

The Heale Award was established in honour of the late Graham Heale FRCC and is funded by an award fund established from the many donations made by family, friends, patients and colleagues in his memory. The award is presented to the outstanding PRT candidate as selected by a panel of RCC Council members from nominations made by PRT Trainers.

Nominations are now sought from PRT Trainers for the 2023/24 award which will be presented at the Royal College of Chiropractors 2025 AGM/Winter Conference in London.


  • Any current PRT candidate, or
  • Any RCC Licentiate/Member who completed their PRT during 2024

The nominee and their Trainer must be available to attend the AGM/Winter conference in London on Wednesday 29th January 2025.


PRT Trainers may nominate one or more individuals who meet the above eligibility criteria. For each nominee, a written case must be made explaining why the nominee is considered outstanding, and hence deserving of the award, with specific reference to one or more of the following:

  • Nominee’s commitment to their own learning during the course of the PRT programme
  • Positive change to the clinic instigated by the nominee
  • Contribution made by the nominee resulting in improved patient care, professional development of self or colleagues and/or positive development of the profession.

To make your nomination please complete a nomination form, available here, and return it as an email attachment by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 12th December to admin@rcc-uk.org.

Consultation on a new Chiropractic Quality Standard: Low Back Pain and Sciatica


Quality Standards are tools designed to help deliver the best possible outcomes for patients. They are a series of specific, concise quality statements with associated measures that provide aspirational, but achievable, markers of high-quality patient care covering the treatment of different conditions. They also play an important part in addressing the increasing priority being placed on improving quality and patient outcomes.

The Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC) announces the launch of a consultation on a draft RCC Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard which updates, combines and replaces the previous Quality Standards on Chronic Low Back Pain and Acute Low Back Pain. The views of all stakeholders including interested organisations, chiropractors, other healthcare professionals, patients and the public are sought.

Comments are invited on any aspect of the document including its relevance and applicability to the chiropractic profession, the achievability of the standards described in the quality statements, the utility of the quality statements in terms of promoting best care, the document’s accuracy and validity in terms of the evidence base and the clarity of the content to practitioners, patients and other stakeholders.

Any comments must be submitted by the deadline of 12 noon on Friday 2nd August 2024 using the consultation form provided. Comments will inform the production of the final version of the quality standard which will be widely publicised.

You can read the draft document and participate in the consultation here



Chiropractic Practice Standard: Clinical Record Keeping


Chiropractic Practice Standard: Clinical Record Keeping

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Chiropractic Practice Standards are evidence-based documents designed to help chiropractors meet their obligations in the provision of patient care and/or the governance of their services. For each area of practice, they:

  • Highlight relevant elements of the General Chiropractic Council’s Code, and relevant legislation, as requirements;
  • Provide expected standards of practice informed by the evidence;
  • Provide additional helpful guidance; and
  • Provide a benchmark for normal practice.

The RCC’s new Chiropractic Practice Standard on Clinical Record Keeping, formally launched today, focuses on the principles and expected standards of clinical record keeping in a chiropractic care setting and aims to assist chiropractors to achieve those standards.

Consultation – Chiropractic Practice Standard: Clinical Record Keeping


CONSULTATION – Chiropractic Practice Standard: Clinical Record Keeping

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Chiropractic Practice Standards are evidence-based documents designed to help chiropractors meet their obligations in the provision of patient care and/or the governance of their services. For each area of practice, they:

  • Highlight relevant elements of the General Chiropractic Council’s Code, and relevant legislation, as requirements;
  • Provide expected standards of practice informed by the evidence;
  • Provide additional helpful guidance; and
  • Provide a benchmark for normal practice.

This new Chiropractic Practice Standard focuses on the principles and expected standards of clinical record keeping in a chiropractic care setting and aims to assist chiropractors to achieve those standards. The RCC now wishes to consult on the content of the draft document.

The consultation is aimed, in particular, at the chiropractic profession, but the RCC is also keen to hear from other health professionals, health & care organisations, commissioners, patients and the public. It particularly wishes obtain views on the following questions:

  1. Have we identified all the relevant requirements of chiropractors in the context of clinical record keeping
  2. Do the expected standards of practice reflect normal practice and have we included the appropriate evidence to support them? Is anything missing?
  3. Should we include any additional guidance?
  4. Are our statements clearly expressed such that chiropractors, other health professionals, health & care organisations, commissioners, patients and public can reasonably be expected to understand what we mean?

The consultation document and response form are available here:

Clinical Record Keeping Consultation Document

Consultation Response Form

Deadline for receipt of responses: 5pm, Friday 19th May 2023

The consultation has now closed

Access to Health Education England’s IRMER and MRI Safety training for chiropractors


Access to Health Education England’s IRMER and MRI Safety training for chiropractors

Essential CPD for x-ray referrers
If you refer out for x-ray imaging to private service providers, such as Ramsay Health, Spire etc, you will have found that, as an x-ray referrer, you need to provide evidence that you are up-to-date with your IRMER training. It is common policy to require up-to-date completion certificates from high quality training such as the relevant ‘e-IRMER’ modules on Health Education England’s e-LFH (electronic learning for health) platform.
Essential CPD for chiropractors with x-ray facilities
In the best interests of patient safety, remaining up-to-date with all aspects of IRMER is essential for chiropractors who have in-house x-ray facilities.
Essential CPD for MRI referrers
If you refer patients for MRI, you may need to show service providers that you are up-to-date with ‘MRI Safety Training for Referrers’, which is also hosted on the e-LFH platform.

Access to e-LFH is normally limited to NHS staff, however I am pleased to advise that the Royal College of Chiropractors has arranged access for chiropractors to the relevant e-IRMER and MRI Safety for Referrers learning modules on the e-LFH platform. This high-quality training is provided free of charge to RCC members and represents another valuable addition to the RCC membership package.

The same training is also available via the RCC for non-members at a cost of £115. If you wish to make use of this essential resource, please contact admin@rcc-uk.org to obtain your access details.

New CPiRLS Safer Practice Notices recently published


NEW CPiRLS Safer Practice Notices recently published

The new CPiRLS Safer Practice Notices have now been published on our publications page. This includes:

CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 001u2 Falls
CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 002u2 Rib Fracture
CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 003u Continuity of Care
CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 004u Pelvic Girdle Pain
CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 005u Syncope
CPiRLS Safer Practice Notice 006u Underlying Pathology

Her Majesty The Queen


Her Majesty The Queen

Her Majesty The Queen

The Royal College of Chiropractors is saddened at the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 – 2022, and we offer our deepest condolences to the Royal Family

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Join the RCCPPF in Oxford, in June 2025 for the RCC Pregnancy & Paediatric Faculty Symposium: The Impact of Birth.

Register early online: https://rcc-uk.org/rcc-events/

A big thank you to our #RCCAGM2025 speakers for their informative, thoughtful and engaging lectures today.

More snaps to come! 📸

@KAPohlman_DCPhD @chiromdt


Fantastic start to the #RCCAGM2025 today. Great morning of faculty talks, networking lunch with our exhibitors, award photography, followed by the start of our afternoon programme: the 2025 President’s Lecture with Prof. Sidney Rubinstein and Katie Pohlman @KAPohlman_DCPhD



See you tomorrow for a great day of CPD and networking with members, peers and our fabulous line up of speakers.

Registration from 9:30am 👍

Remember to check your travel plans ahead of the AGM tomorrow ✨ 👍 #RCCAGM2025

✨ Meet our #RCCAGM2025 conference speakers! ✨

Last but not least, our 2025 President’s Lecture speakers: Professor Sidney Rubinstein & Katie Pohlman @KAPohlman_DCPhD, speaking on 'Clinical Risk Management & the Global Patient Safety Task Force'.

Congratulations to all those who received CMQM and PPQM Quality Marks awards this year for the 2025-2027 period! 🙌 ✨ 💯 We look forward to seeing you at the AGM on Wednesday!

✨ Meet our #RCCAGM2025 conference speakers! ✨
The new GCC Code of Professional Practice: A registrant’s perspective with Annie Newsam
Annie has extensive regulatory experience with 9 yrs on the GCC Professional Conduct/Health Comm. & serves as a registrant member w/GCC Council

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