Information for RCC event delegates regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Information for RCC event delegates regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19)

We expect delegates at our events to follow the Public Health England (PHE) guidance regarding Covid-19. Thus, those who have travelled to the UK from specific locations identified by PHE (including, but not limited to, Hubei province in China and lockdown areas in northern Italy) must stay indoors and avoid contact with other people even if no symptoms are present. For a wider range of locations, the same applies if symptoms are present.

Please refer to the PHE guidance if you have recently travelled to the UK from elsewhere, and adhere to the guidance.

Furthermore, if you have reason to believe that you have been in close contact with someone who has coronavirus, you should call NHS 111 and follow the guidance provided.

If following PHE or NHS guidance requires you to self-isolate, please contact us to let us know. Under these circumstances you must not attend our events.

Contact us at: T: 01491 340022 | E: