Undergraduate Student Travel Grants


8 February 2017: Undergraduate Student Travel Grants

The Royal College of Chiropractors is pleased to announce the availability of overseas travel grants for chiropractic undergraduates. These grants are available to any chiropractic undergraduate currently studying in the UK and registered as an RCC Student Member, and are intended to assist the applicant in attending a conference, undertaking a secondment or making some other educational visit outside the UK. Further details and an application form are available here.

New NICE Low Back Pain & Sciatica Guidance


New NICE Low Back Pain & Sciatica Guidance

Today’s publication of the NICE Low Back & Sciatica Guidance was welcomed by the Royal College of Chiropractors. The Guidance recognises the evidence for spinal manipulation which is typically provided by chiropractors as part of an evidence-based package of care including exercise and psychosocial support.

Personal PhD grants – call for applications


Personal PhD grants – call for applications

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Research Committee announces the availability of two personal grants of £1,600 each for the 2016/17 RCC membership year. These grants are to help support RCC members who are registered on part-time PhD or Professional Doctorate programmes while also active in clinical practice. RCC members are eligible to receive a grant up to three times during the course of their doctoral studies.

An application form, which includes the terms and conditions of the grant award, is available here. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Friday 20 January 2017.

Choosing Wisely – Avoiding wasteful or unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures


Choosing Wisely – Avoiding wasteful or unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures

In 2012, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation launched Choosing Wisely, an initiative to advance a national dialogue on avoiding wasteful or unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures. The initiative has subsequently become global and Choosing Wisely UK was launched last week by the Academy or Medical Royal Colleges. The Academy listed 40 treatments and procedures that are of little or no benefit to patients using recommendations supplied by NICE, and the eleven medical royal colleges that have contributed to date.

The Academy’s list included the recommendation that ‘back pain which is uncomplicated, that is not associated with ‘red flags’ or radicolupathy usually does not require imaging‘. The Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC) is pleased to support this recommendation which concurs with the RCC’s Quality Standards on Acute Low Back Pain and Chronic Low Back Pain.

NICE LBP & Sciatica Guideline


NICE LBP & Sciatica Guideline

NICE has informed stakeholders that there has been a delay to the publication of the Low Back Pain & Sciatica guideline, which was due to be published on 7 September 2016. Apparently, a large number of comments were received during the consultation phase and so additional time is being taken to ensure that all of the points raised have been considered fully and responded to appropriately. The new publication date has yet to be confirmed.

New Chronic Pain Quality Standard


New Chronic Pain Quality Standard

The Royal College of Chiropractors has launched a new Chiropractic Quality Standard on Chronic Pain, the latest in a series of RCC Quality Standards that aim to make it clear to patients, the public, healthcare professionals, commissioners and chiropractors what high-quality chiropractic care looks like.

The Chronic Pain quality standard can be accessed here along with all the other RCC quality standards. An associated audit toolkit will be available shortly.

AECC TDAP and Institutional Designation


AECC TDAP and Institutional Designation

The RCC Council is delighted to congratulate the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) following its recent achievement of Taught Degree Awarding Powers (TDAP). This will enable the institution to independently validate and award bachelors degrees and taught postgraduate degrees. AECC has also achieved Institutional Designation, which provides eligibility to receive HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council, England) funding and ensures eligible students will receive funding through the Student Loan Company for the degree programmes AECC offers. It is understood AECC will now apply for a new ‘University College’ name to reflect its widening role as a provider not only of chiropractic awards but of other awards in the field of healthcare.

The achievements of TDAP and Institutional Designation are highly significant, representing Government recognition of the high quality of AECC’s management, governance and educational provision. They represent major milestones in the development of UK chiropractic education.

A framework to evaluate MSK models of care


A framework to evaluate MSK models of care

The global burden of disease associated with chronic musculoskeletal conditions is all too clear. ‘Models of Care’ represent one approach to respond to this burden since they provide an effective strategy to improve health service planning and delivery and a team of Australian researchers, in partnership with the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, has developed the first internationally-informed framework for developing and evaluating musculoskeletal Models of Care. The Framework was informed by experts from 30 nations including representatives of the Royal College of Chiropractors’ Health Policy Unit, Mark Gurden FRCC and Jonathan Field FRCC.Full details are here: http://bjdonline.org/a-framework-to-evaluate-musculoskeletal-models-of-care/

Public consultation on new Chronic Pain Quality Standard


Public consultation on new Chronic Pain Quality Standard

The RCC is currently consulting on a new Chronic Pain Quality Standard and invites the views of chiropractors, chiropractic organisations, patients and the public on any aspect of the document including its relevance and applicability to the chiropractic profession, the achievability of the standards described in the quality statements, the utility of the quality statements in terms of promoting best care, the document’s accuracy and validity in terms of the evidence base and the clarity of the content to practitioners, patients and other stakeholders. Please click here for details.