Royal College of Chiropractors
Dementia Friendly Assessment Tool

The need to develop resources to help chiropractors ensure their clinics are dementia-friendly was first recognised by The Royal College of Chiropractors' Lay Partnership Group (LPG) in 2017; the LPG had noted that the number of patients and carers living with dementia and accessing chiropractic services is increasing.
The RCC commissioned the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, to develop evidence-based guidance on dementia-friendly design and an Environmental Assessment Tool to support chiropractors in self-assessing their working environment. This work involved direct input from a working group of LPG and RCC members.
The resulting Tool is based on the Enhancing the Healing Environment (EHE) assessment tools developed by The King’s Fund to assist health and care organisations implement supportive environmental design for people with dementia and all chiropractors are firmly encouraged to use it. The Tool, the guidance and the associated bibliography of evidence are freely available, below, for download and use.