Royal College of Chiropractors Privacy Policy - In Brief

Please find our full Privacy Policy here, or click on one of the sections below for further information in a specific area.

Processing the personal data of RCC members

In line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the RCC has identified ‘Legitimate Interests’ as the lawful basis for the processing of personal data for all current members...


Processing the personal data of others who have an interest in RCC activities

There are individuals who have an interest in the RCC but who are not current members. These individuals are categorised as either ‘Former Members’ (individuals who have previously been a member of the RCC) or ‘Non-members’ ...


Personal data that the RCC collects and processes

The RCC may collect, retain and maintain some or all of the following personal data on members and non-members: Name, Address, Date of birth, Email address, Telephone number(s)...


Access to data held by the RCC

The Chief Executive of the RCC is its Data Controller. Data Processors directly employed by the RCC, either as employed staff or elected/appointed officers, have access to personal data...


Sharing personal data

The RCC does not share, sell or swap personal data with other organisations for their use...


Data security

The RCC take the security of all data very seriously and take every reasonable effort to ensure electronic and physical data is protected. However, should there be a security breach, the RCC has a Data...


Using personal data – your choices

RCC communications: The RCC understands that members, non-members and former members have a genuine interest in RCC activities and these individuals are content for their personal information to be processed (retained and used), under the...


What are your rights?

If you wish to raise a complaint about how the RCC has handled your personal data, you can contact the Data Controller (contact details below) who will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with the response, or believe...


Keeping the RCC informed

To help us maintain up-to-date and accurate records, please let the RCC know if there are any changes to your personal details. You can do this by phone or email
