New Chronic Pain Quality Standard


New Chronic Pain Quality Standard

The Royal College of Chiropractors has launched a new Chiropractic Quality Standard on Chronic Pain, the latest in a series of RCC Quality Standards that aim to make it clear to patients, the public, healthcare professionals, commissioners and chiropractors what high-quality chiropractic care looks like.

The Chronic Pain quality standard can be accessed here along with all the other RCC quality standards. An associated audit toolkit will be available shortly.

Public consultation on new Chronic Pain Quality Standard


Public consultation on new Chronic Pain Quality Standard

The RCC is currently consulting on a new Chronic Pain Quality Standard and invites the views of chiropractors, chiropractic organisations, patients and the public on any aspect of the document including its relevance and applicability to the chiropractic profession, the achievability of the standards described in the quality statements, the utility of the quality statements in terms of promoting best care, the document’s accuracy and validity in terms of the evidence base and the clarity of the content to practitioners, patients and other stakeholders. Please click here for details.