Graham Heale Award – Call for nominations for the outstanding PRT candidate

Deadline for nominations: Thursday 12th December 2024

The Heale Award was established in honour of the late Graham Heale FRCC and is funded by an award fund established from the many donations made by family, friends, patients and colleagues in his memory. The award is presented to the outstanding PRT candidate as selected by a panel of RCC Council members from nominations made by PRT Trainers.

Nominations are now sought from PRT Trainers for the 2023/24 award which will be presented at the Royal College of Chiropractors 2025 AGM/Winter Conference in London.


  • Any current PRT candidate, or
  • Any RCC Licentiate/Member who completed their PRT during 2024

The nominee and their Trainer must be available to attend the AGM/Winter conference in London on Wednesday 29th January 2025.


PRT Trainers may nominate one or more individuals who meet the above eligibility criteria. For each nominee, a written case must be made explaining why the nominee is considered outstanding, and hence deserving of the award, with specific reference to one or more of the following:

  • Nominee’s commitment to their own learning during the course of the PRT programme
  • Positive change to the clinic instigated by the nominee
  • Contribution made by the nominee resulting in improved patient care, professional development of self or colleagues and/or positive development of the profession.

To make your nomination please complete a nomination form, available here, and return it as an email attachment by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 12th December to