Royal College of Chiropractors Research Grant Awards 2018
The RCC is pleased to announce the availability of research grants to support staff costs in relation to research projects commencing during 2018. Applications are invited from UK institutions to fund the costs of personnel undertaking research in the UK, but may relate to projects that involve collaboration with partner/s overseas.
Two different types of grant are available:
Innovation Grant x 2
£15k for 1-year (total available funding for projects commencing in 2018 = £30k)
Applications will be considered for projects in any area of research relevant to neuro-musculoskeletal health. Priority will be given to projects adopting an innovative approach.
RCC Innovation Grant holders will be eligible for NIHR Clinical Research Network Support if their project is of clear and demonstrable value to the NHS.
The deadline for receipt of applications for projects commencing in 2018 is Friday 27 July 2018.
(2) Early career postdoctoral fellowship x 1
£16k matched funding per annum for 3 years (total funding = £48k over 3 years)
Applications will be considered for projects addressing one or more of the RCC’s priority areas for research. The deadline for receipt of applications for projects commencing in 2018 is Friday 27 July 2018.
For both types of grant, please visit this page for full details, application forms and Conditions of Award.