HPU NG127 NICE guidelines


HPU Bulletin – Suspected neurological conditions

Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral
NICE guideline [NG127]

Published this month, NICE Guideline NG127 covers the initial assessment of symptoms and signs that might indicate a neurological condition. It helps healthcare professionals working in primary and secondary care identify people who should be offered referral for specialist investigation.

The guideline, which gives recommendations for people aged 16 and over, as well as children and young people aged under 16, and includes a helpful interactive flowchart for a wide range of neurological conditions, will provide a useful evidence-based resource for chiropractors.

NICE LBP & Sciatica Guideline


NICE LBP & Sciatica Guideline

NICE has informed stakeholders that there has been a delay to the publication of the Low Back Pain & Sciatica guideline, which was due to be published on 7 September 2016. Apparently, a large number of comments were received during the consultation phase and so additional time is being taken to ensure that all of the points raised have been considered fully and responded to appropriately. The new publication date has yet to be confirmed.