HPU NG127 NICE guidelines


HPU Bulletin – Suspected neurological conditions

Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral
NICE guideline [NG127]

Published this month, NICE Guideline NG127 covers the initial assessment of symptoms and signs that might indicate a neurological condition. It helps healthcare professionals working in primary and secondary care identify people who should be offered referral for specialist investigation.

The guideline, which gives recommendations for people aged 16 and over, as well as children and young people aged under 16, and includes a helpful interactive flowchart for a wide range of neurological conditions, will provide a useful evidence-based resource for chiropractors.

Osteoporosis Quality Standard Consultation


Osteoporosis Quality Standard Consultation

The Royal College of Chiropractors has opened a consultation on a draft Osteoporosis Quality Standard and is seeking the views of all stakeholders including interested organisations, chiropractors, other healthcare professionals, patients and the public. You can read the draft document and participate in the consultation here.

Undergraduate Essay Competition


Undergraduate Essay Competition

The Royal College of Chiropractors is pleased to announce a new Undergraduate Essay Competition. Open to all undergraduate students currently studying chiropractic in the UK, this competition provides an opportunity for students to develop and share their thinking about the current status and/or future of the profession.

The winner, and the runner-up, will each receive a certificate and an expenses-paid trip to the RCC’s AGM in London on 30th January 2019. Their essays will also be published in an RCC publication. The winning author will, in addition, receive a £150 cash prize.

Full details are available here.

RCC Bursaries for Studies in Research Methods, EBP or Clinical Audit


RCC Bursaries for Studies in Research Methods, EBP or Clinical Audit

The Royal College of Chiropractors is pleased to announce that a number of bursaries are to be awarded for the 2017/18 academic year to enable members to register for Masters-level modules in Research Methods, Evidence-based Practice or Clinical Audit. For more information and to apply visit: Research Study Bursaries. Deadline: 12 noon, Friday 9th November 2018.

Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework


HPU Bulletin - Musculoskeletal Core Capabilities Framework

Released this week, the Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework for first point of contact practitioners is essential reading for chiropractors. Published by NHS England, Health Education England and Skills for Health 2018, the Framework was developed with the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA), of which the RCC is part, and a range of other stakeholders across the whole MSK sector. See here for details.

Embedding physical activity in the undergraduate curriculum


Embedding physical activity in the undergraduate curriculum

All healthcare professionals are well-positioned to influence positive lifestyle changes among their patients, and encouraging physical activity is a vital part of helping patients avoid and manage health problems. However, physical activity is not well integrated into undergraduate curricula for medicine and other healthcare professions.

The ‘Embedding Physical Activity’ report and appendices, co-authored by Ann Gates of Exercise Works who gave a keynote address at the Royal College of Chiropractor’s AGM in January 2018, was commissioned by Public Health England (PHE) & Sport England (SE) as part of their Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme, and is aimed at embedding physical activity into undergraduate curricula. It highlights the initiatives of the Chiropractic Schools and the RCC which are working towards better incorporating physical activity into undergraduate chiropractic training and continuing professional development as part of a wider public health initiative.

New Launch! Royal College of Chiropractors Dementia Friendly Assessment Tool


New Launch! Royal College of Chiropractors Dementia Friendly Assessment Tool

We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new tool and resource for chiropractors - The Royal College of Chiropractors Environmental Assessment Tool: Is your clinic dementia friendly?

The assessment tool, guidance and bibliography are now available to use and download here: https://rcc-uk.org/dementia-friendly-assessment-tool/

Royal College of Chiropractors Research Grant Awards 2018


Royal College of Chiropractors Research Grant Awards 2018

The RCC is pleased to announce the availability of research grants to support staff costs in relation to research projects commencing during 2018. Applications are invited from UK institutions to fund the costs of personnel undertaking research in the UK, but may relate to projects that involve collaboration with partner/s overseas.

Two different types of grant are available:

Innovation Grant x 2
£15k for 1-year (total available funding for projects commencing in 2018 = £30k)

Applications will be considered for projects in any area of research relevant to neuro-musculoskeletal health. Priority will be given to projects adopting an innovative approach.

RCC Innovation Grant holders will be eligible for NIHR Clinical Research Network Support if their project is of clear and demonstrable value to the NHS.

The deadline for receipt of applications for projects commencing in 2018 is Friday 27 July 2018.

(2) Early career postdoctoral fellowship x 1
£16k matched funding per annum for 3 years (total funding = £48k over 3 years)

Applications will be considered for projects addressing one or more of the RCC’s priority areas for research. The deadline for receipt of applications for projects commencing in 2018 is Friday 27 July 2018.

For both types of grant, please visit this page for full details, application forms and Conditions of Award.

New Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Online Learning Module


Understanding and Managing Psychosocial Barriers in MSK Conditions

The RCC is pleased to announce the launch of a new educational programme, which will lead to the award of an RCC Diploma in Pain Management. Part 1 of the programme comprises an online learning module, entitled Understanding Psychosocial Barriers, which is available now and can be studied on a stand-alone basis. Parts 2 and 3, a hands-on seminar and clinical logbook, are currently under development. Further details are here.