RCC Publishes Patient Communication Practice Standard


RCC Publishes Patient Communication Practice Standard

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Chiropractic Practice Standards are a new series of evidence-based documents designed to help chiropractors meet their obligations in the provision of high quality patient care and/or in ensuring good governance of their services. The RCC’s first Chiropractic Practice Standard, which has been officially launched today, focuses on communication with patients.

COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Controls (IPC) rules withdrawn


COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Controls (IPC) rules withdrawn

The governments of England and Wales have withdrawn their final COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Controls (IPC) rules, namely the PPE requirement for face masks to be worn in healthcare settings, unless there is a known Covid infection risk. For Scotland, the use of face masks will continue in healthcare settings, although expectations are that this rule may be withdrawn in July. Face mask use is still encouraged in Northern Ireland.

RCC Publishes Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates


RCC Publishes Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates

The RCC is pleased to announce the publication of Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates, a document that defines the knowledge, skills and competencies that are expected of newly qualified chiropractors in the UK. The document has been produced by the UK Forum of Chiropractic Deans (FCD), a group comprising the leaders of all the UK chiropractic programmes and the Royal College of Chiropractors.

Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates is informed by the Musculoskeletal Core Capabilities Framework, and closely maps to the IFOMPT Educational Standards in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy. It is aligned with the GCC Code, and supplements the GCC Education Standards by defining the core of what chiropractic graduates need to know and be able to do at the point of graduation.

It is the FCD’s role to keep Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates up to date in consultation with the profession and the General Chiropractic Council such that it reflects the current requirements of contemporary practice.

Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates


Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates: Consultation on draft document – now closed

The Forum of Chiropractic Deans (FCD) is a group comprising the leaders of the UK’s chiropractic education programmes, and the Royal College of Chiropractors. It has the primary objective of harmonising chiropractic undergraduate education and training outcomes in the UK.

The FCD has produced a draft document entitled Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates which seeks to define the knowledge, skills and competencies of newly qualified chiropractors in the UK. This document is intended to:

  • Provide a clear framework for new and established programme providers in terms of core curriculum design, helping them produce graduates whose knowledge, skills and competencies meet the needs of the profession.
  • Enable chiropractic students to understand what they will need to know and be able to do at the point of graduation, thus enabling them to play an active role in directing their own learning.
  • Facilitate the identification of knowledge, skills and competencies that are postgraduate/relate to special interests.
  • Enable patients, the public, health professionals, health & care organisations and commissioners to understand and recognise what chiropractors know and are able to do.
  • Ensure postgraduate trainers and employers have a clear understanding and clear expectations of graduates’ attributes and can support and facilitate a smooth transition to autonomous professional practice.
  • Help enable those returning to practice to identify and address professional learning needs.
  • Help enable overseas graduates to recognise the knowledge, skills and competencies required for professional practice in the UK.

The FCD now wishes to consult widely with the UK chiropractic profession, but is also keen to hear from other health professionals, health & care organisations, commissioners, patients and the public. It particularly wishes obtain views on the following questions:

  1. Have we identified all the core competencies required of a recently graduated chiropractor? If not, what’s missing?
  2. Have we included competencies that you consider are not core? If so, please specify.
  3. Are the core competencies clearly expressed such that chiropractors, other health professionals, health & care organisations, commissioners, patients and public can reasonably be expected to understand what we mean?

The consultation document is available for review here.

To participate in the consultation, please download and complete the

Consultation response form

and return it to admin@rcc-uk.org by the deadline of 5pm on Friday 6th May 2022.