RCC Publishes Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates
The RCC is pleased to announce the publication of Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates, a document that defines the knowledge, skills and competencies that are expected of newly qualified chiropractors in the UK. The document has been produced by the UK Forum of Chiropractic Deans (FCD), a group comprising the leaders of all the UK chiropractic programmes and the Royal College of Chiropractors.
Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates is informed by the Musculoskeletal Core Capabilities Framework, and closely maps to the IFOMPT Educational Standards in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy. It is aligned with the GCC Code, and supplements the GCC Education Standards by defining the core of what chiropractic graduates need to know and be able to do at the point of graduation.
It is the FCD’s role to keep Outcomes for Chiropractic Graduates up to date in consultation with the profession and the General Chiropractic Council such that it reflects the current requirements of contemporary practice.