Online Learning Modules
The RCC has developed a suite of interactive online learning modules to assist chiropractors in a range of circumstances. Each section below offers specific information to access that module or module series.
If you're a member and looking for RCC webinar or lecture recordings, please visit: Netclix - RCC TV
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at
All these instructional modules are open access though the following links.
IM1: Completing a successful PPQM application - Hints and tips on how to prepare a successful PPQM application
IM2: Completing a successful CMQM application - Hints and tips on how to prepare a successful CMQM application
Producing successful Patient Partnership Quality Mark (PPQM) and Clinic Management Quality Mark (CMQM) applications can be challenging. The purpose of developing these online learning modules is to support applicants in the process. General guidance is provided along with section-by-section advice and tips.
Full details of both the PPQM and CMQM, Conditions of Award and downloadable application forms are available here.
IM4: RCC Discovery Service lecture and how-to guide
This RCC Discovery Service lecture and how-to guide provides information about how to use the Discovery Service which enables members to keep up to date with published research.
To learn more about the RCC Discovery Service and find out how to access it, please contact
The RCC Diploma in Pain Management (DPM) is a modular education programme that addresses all the competencies defined by the RCC Pain Faculty (RCCPF) as core for a pain faculty chiropractor. Meeting the requirements for award of the Diploma also satisfies the requirements for full Membership of the RCCPF. The various components of the RCC DPM are detailed below.
UPB1: Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Part 1
Part 1 of the RCC Diploma in Pain Managment programme on understanding how non-physical factors can provide barriers to a patient’s recovery, and how to manage them.
The cost to register for this module is £49 for RCC members, and £99 for non-members, which provides access for 12 months. Successful completion enables the candidate to print a certificate of achievement, and confers eligibility to progress to part 2a of the RCC’s Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Diploma in Pain Management.
Note that this module includes free access to our Motivational Interviewing module (PC9)
An M-level credit-equivalence tariff of 10 credits has been recognised by the RCC for successful completion of the Part 1 online module.
To register for this module, email quoting your name and the reference ‘UPB1’. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
UPB2a: Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Part 2a
Part 2a of the RCC Diploma in Pain Management programme comprises a series of webinars delivered by psychologists and chiropractors, as an integrated online learning module.
The cost to register for this module is £79 for RCC members, and £159 for non-members, which provides access for 12 months. Successful completion enables the candidate to print a certificate of achievement, and confers eligibility to progress to part 2b of the RCC’s Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Diploma in Pain Management.
An M-level credit-equivalence tariff of 10 credits has been recognised by the RCC for successful completion of the Part 2a online module.
To register for this module, email quoting your name and the reference ‘UPB2a’. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
UPB2b: Understanding Psychosocial Barriers Part 2b
Part 2b of the RCC Diploma in Pain Management programme comprises a face-to-face workshop consisting largely of small group practical sessions that extend the knowledge developed in UPB1 and UPB2a.
The course will develop practical skills to help a clinician identify and, where appropriate, address non-physical aspects of patient presentations which may provide barriers to recovery. Candidates will be continually assessed during the day.
An M-level credit-equivalence tariff of 5 credits has been recognised by the RCC for successful completion of UPB2b.
Success with UPB2b provides eligibility to progress to the clinical logbook components of the Understanding Psychosocial Barriers programme.
To enquire about availability and register for this seminar, please email
e-Pain: e-Learning for Health online learning modules
The RCC has negotiated special access to this eLFH suite of 13 online learning modules on pain, completion of which now forms part 3 of the RCC Diploma in Pain Management. An M-level credit-equivalence tariff of 15 credits has been recognised by the RCC for successful completion of these modules which can be completed at any time during, or independently of, the DPM.
The cost to register for the ePain suite of modules is £99 for RCC members, and £114 for non-members, which provides access for 12 months.
To register, email quoting your name and the reference ‘ePain’. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
Clinical logbook
The final element of the Diploma in Pain Management is a clinical logbook. Candidates are required to document a total of 21 clinical cases managed/co-managed.
A template is provided to ensure each case is structured appropriately and in accordance with specifications provided. Candidates are assigned a mentor/assessor who will review the cases documented and provide support in improving/finalising them, as necessary, and signing them off. An admin/assessment fee of £15 per case submitted is chargeable, pay as you go. An M-level credit-equivalence tariff of 4 credits per case has been recognised by the RCC.
To register for logbook completion, please contact
TC1: UK healthcare, the GCC & relevant legislation - Full details
Preparation for UK GCC Test of competence candidates. These modules are primarily designed to assist those preparing to sit the UK Test of Competence (ToC), but may also be helpful for chiropractors wishing to address fitness to practice issues or revise aspects of the GCC Code for CPD purposes.
The cost to register for this module is £49, which provides access for 12 months. Successful completion enables the candidate to print a certificate of achievement. To register for this module, email quoting your name and the reference 'TC1'. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
Further modules in this series are under development.
ST1: How to Find the Right Job
This module is aimed for chiropractic undergraduates and provides guidance on gaining suitable employment after graduation. You can access to this module freely from the link above.
If you have any problems accessing this module, please email
WB1: An Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation
Animal Faculty webinar with Emma Fretwell. This Animal Faculty webinar with Emma Fretwell covers an Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation.
WB2: Trigeminal Neuralgia & Headshaking in Horses
This Animal Faculty webinar with Sue Devereux looks at the use of electroacupuncture for the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia & Headshaking in Horses.
The cost to register for either of these modules is £25 for non-members and free for members via Netclix.
To register for these webinars, email quoting your name and the reference ‘WB1’ or 'WB2'. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
These modules are primarily designed to support all chiropractors, but particularly recent chiropractic graduates in business management.
PC1: Getting Established
PC2: Ensuring Patient Loyalty
PC3: Brand Building
PC4: Marketing and Advertising
PC5: Business Finance and Ethics
PC6: Planning Your Marketing
PC7: Tracking Marketing Success
PC8: Becoming A Business Owner
PC9: Motivational Interviewing
These modules are helpful to PRT candidates who are planning or setting up their own practice, or taking an active and supportive role in developing the practice in which they currently work. They are also helpful guides for those looking for a future as a business owner.
Cost: Free to PRT candidates and those up to 1 year post-PRT
£19 each for all other chiropractors. Note that the Motivational Interviewing module (PC9) is included free with our UPB1 module.
To register for any of these business development modules and pay by card online, email quoting your name and relevant PC reference/s. Payment details will be forwarded to you and, upon payment, you will receive secure access details.
Any PRT candidate who would like to have free access to the modules should also contact the RCC head office directly for details.
This series of modules has been developed to assist PRT Trainers prepare for their role as PRT mentors.
PT1: The PRT Programme: What does it involve?
PT2: What Characterises an Effective Mentor?
PT3: The Learning Cycle and Learning Style
Studying these modules is suitable for your CPD programme. It is up to you to decide how many hours to claim, but as a guide you might claim up to an hour for completing each module in full, and more if you read through the PRT handbook.
Any PRT trainer who requires access to these modules should email or telephone 01491 340022 for free access.
COMING SOON: Communication Techniques for Effective Mentoring
PP2.1-3: Chiropractic Management of Pregnant Patients
This module addresses the theoretical elements of sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)] which address the assessment and management of the pregnant patient. This module comprises approx. 5 hours of lecture material delivered by Elisabeth Davidson FRCC (Paeds)
The cost to register for this module is £145 for RCC members and £195 for non-members. This provides access to the module, and any updates, for 12 months. Successful completion enables the candidate to print a certificate of achievement, and provides suitable preparation for those working towards completion of the pregnancy element of the MRCC (Paeds) Clinical Logbook.
N.B. Regrettably, for tax reasons, we are currently unable to provide access to online modules for individuals based in either Greece, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Spain or Sweden.