The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Pregnancy & Paediatrics Faculty (RCCPPF)

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Membership Register (Paeds)

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Specialist Faculties, of which the Pregnancy & Paediatrics Faculty is one, have the following role:

  • To recognise experience and qualifications relevant to each subject area
    To foster open inquiry and debate among practitioners and the wider healthcare community
  • To encourage further, relevant continuing professional development and M-level study
  • To define and uphold the competencies of Specialist Faculty members as they pertain to each subject area
  • To review, disseminate and develop the evidence-base in each subject area
  • To support specialist faculty members in developing and extending skills and knowledge in relevant subject areas

Faculty Officers

Chair: Michael Marinus FRCC (Paeds)
Secretary (acting): Katie Holton LRCC
Director of Academic Affairs (acting): Darren Barnes-Heath MRCC


The RCCPPF has defined the core competencies that chiropractors must demonstrate in order to progress to full Member – MRCC (Paeds) – of the RCCPPF and therefore be recognised as paediatric chiropractors. These core competencies are described in a new publication entitled Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)]

Defining these core competencies enables us to (a) determine the suitability of university-validated MSc programmes to allow chiropractors to develop them, and (b) provide a new RCCPPF-led education programme that chiropractors can follow as an alternative to undertaking an MSc. As of June 2023, we are now in a position to launch the first part of the new RCCPPF-led education programme. This covers section 2 of the competencies (Clinical Evaluation and Care of the Pregnant Patient). Further elements of the programme will follow over the coming two-year period.

If you follow the RCCPPF-led education programme, producing a detailed clinical logbook of selected cases you have managed will be the mechanism by which your achievement of the competencies will be measured. There is some flexibility to enable you to follow other education programmes too.

To understand what this development means for you as a non-member, or as an existing Associate, Licentiate, Member or Fellow of the RCCPPF, please see the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the RCC head office, in the first instance, at

Frequently asked questions

What does the Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)] document mean for RCCPPF Associates and non-members?

You can choose to undertake a relevant MSc programme recognised by the RCC or the RCCPPF-led education programme in order to demonstrate the competencies required to achieve MRCC (Paeds). Please contact to register for the elements of the RCCPPF-led education programme that are currently available.

What does the Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)] document mean for Licentiates of the RCCPPF?

If you are an RCCPPF Licentiate, you may already exhibit some of the core competencies defined in the document. Please contact to determine this. To achieve RCCPPF Membership status, you will need to achieve and demonstrate the remaining competencies though the RCCPPF-led education programme and clinical logbook. Please contact to register for the elements of the RCCPPF-led education programme that are currently available.

Progressing to Fellowship after achieving all the core competencies defined in Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)]

To progress to Fellowship [FRCC (Paeds)], you can mix and match any of the following to demonstrate further relevant competencies/achievement: completion of an addendum to your clinical logbook perhaps focusing on cases in a subspecialty area, formal M-level study (e.g. the final dissertation year of the a relevant MSc programme), relevant activity as a teacher/assessor, active involvement in relevant committee activity and/or publication of peer-reviewed articles. Please contact to discuss a tailored approach that will be suitable for you.

What does the Core Competencies of the Paediatric Chiropractor [MRCC (Paeds)] document mean for existing Members and Fellows of the RCCPPF?

Current Members and Fellows of the RCCPPF now have the opportunity, and are positively encouraged, to review the document, identify any personal learning needs and plan any learning required as part of their CPD activity going forward. You have access to the new RCCPPF-led education programme as a CPD resource. Please contact to register for the elements of the RCCPPF-led education programme that are currently available.