The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Quality Standards
Quality Standards Lead – Stuart Smellie FRCC
Quality Standards are tools designed to help deliver the best possible outcomes for patients. They are a series of specific, concise quality statements with associated measures that provide aspirational, but achievable, markers of high-quality patient care covering the treatment of different conditions. They also play an important part in addressing the increasing priority being placed on improving quality and patient outcomes.
The primary purpose of The Royal College of Chiropractors’ quality standards is to make it clear what quality care is by providing patients, the public, healthcare professionals, commissioners and chiropractors with definitions of high-quality chiropractic care.
By providing a clear description of what a high-quality service looks like, clinics can improve quality and achieve excellence. The quality standards should encompass statutory requirements, best practice and existing clinical guidelines, but they are not a new set of targets or mandatory indicators for performance management. They are, however, a useful source to form the basis of clinical audit and to identify priorities for future improvement.
Chiropractors are encouraged to adopt the Royal College of Chiropractors quality standards as practice policy. They can be used as a source of identifying CPD, or clinic promotion, perhaps when tendering for NHS contracts, or even at a national level. They enable healthcare professionals to understand the standard of service that you provide, and allow commissioners to be confident that the services they are purchasing are of high quality. Importantly, they also help patients to understand what service they should expect.
Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard (Full version)
Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard (Short version)
Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard (Assessment & Management Flowchart)
An associated audit tool is in development.
Headache Quality Standard (Full version)
Headache Quality Standard (Short version)
Headache Quality Standard (Assessment & Management Flowchart)
An associated audit toolkit is available to College members who login and visit Standards>Clinical Audit >Clinical Audit resources.
Osteoporosis Quality Standard (Full version)
Osteoporosis Quality Standard (Short version)
Osteoporosis Quality Standard (Assessment & Management Flowchart)
An associated audit toolkit is available to College members who login and visit Standards>Clinical Audit >Clinical Audit resources.
Chronic Pain Quality Standard (Short version)
Chronic Pain Quality Standard (Page spread version)
Chronic Pain Quality Standard (A4 page version)
An associated audit toolkit is in development.
Chronic Low Back Pain Quality Standard (A4 page version)
Replaced by the Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard (see above).
Acute Low Back Pain Quality Standard (A4 page version)
Replaced by the Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard (see above).
Supportive Self Management Quality Standard (Short version)
Supportive Self Management Quality Standard (Page spread version)
Supportive Self Management Quality Standard (A4 page version)
An associated audit toolkit is available to College members who login and visit Standards>Clinical Audit >Clinical Audit resources.
Acute Neck Pain Quality Standard (Short version)
Acute Neck Pain Quality Standard (Page spread version)
Acute Neck Pain Quality Standard (A4 page version)
An associated audit toolkit is in development.
Clinical Governance Quality Standard (Short version)
Clinical Governance Quality Standard (Page spread version)
Clinical Governance Quality Standard (A4 page version)
An associated audit tool is in development.